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vol 1 issue 3

WELCOME to Chez Tante Lori's Monthly Newsletter designed to talk about those questions that pop in our heads from time to time. This newsletter will aim to be brief, fun, informative, and interesting. I hope you find it useful and I welcome your comments and suggestions. Thank you / Merci Beaucoup ... Lori

  • Pet of the Month- Beau
  • Your Pet Smart ?
  • PetSmart Charities - National Adoption Weekend November 15-17, 2013 !!
  • Daniel Sterl - What does your dog want in life?

November 2013

Beau reminds me of a Hippie... so cool and peace loving.

With his gentle nature he just goes with the flow.

Your Pet Smart?

Pet Smarts …  just what is that?  I spent a very long evening Googling that very question.  You wouldn’t believe how many tests and opinions are out there.  I think Wikipedia put it best…Pet Smarts (or intelligence) is hard to define, whether in dogs, other animals, or humans. The ability to learn quickly might be taken as a sign of intelligence, but such evidence must be interpreted with care, because learning may be affected by such things as the rewards used or the motivation or activity level of the dog.

Dogs are pretty smart to start with.  Consider that “Unlike any other animal species, including non-human primates, dogs are able to read and react appropriately to human body language and they are able to understand human language to an extent greater than any other animal.”  I guess that’s one of the reasons they are Man’s Best Friend!!

But back to intelligence, just how do we judge it?

Well, in an article in Psychology Today, Canine Corner - The human-animal bond by Stanley Coren, Ph.D.  (for the full article go to: )….

Dr. Coren says there are 3 categories of canine intelligence and each are just as important as the other.  Below are excerpts from his article.

The first is called instinctive intelligence. This really refers to what a dog was bred for. For example, herding dogs were bred to herd animals. Every dog has an instinctive intelligence, but it is senseless to make comparisons across breeds as to which are "smarter" in this respect-their abilities are simply too different to compare.”

The second dimension of dog intelligence is adaptive intelligence. This is basically a measure of what a dog can learn to do for himself. It includes learning and benefiting from experience with his environment, solving new problems, and so forth. Adaptive intelligence can differ among individuals of the same breed.”

The third type of intelligence in dogs is appropriately called working and obedience intelligence. It is the closest to what we might call school-learning ability, and is based upon what the dog can learn to do when instructed by humans.”

“It should be possible to actually rank pet dog breeds in terms of their working and obedience intelligence. While a smart pet dog will learn everything that you want it to know, it will also learn everything that it can get away with. This means you may have to spend much more time "civilizing" your clever dog so that it learns the limits of behavior in your household.”

So there you have it.  Just let your heart lead you… that’s what I do.  BTW.. MY dogs are the smartest pets in the universe!!!!!   wink wink

According to their site:
Friday, November 15, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013

PetSmart Charities National Adoption Weekend will be a three-day adoption event
where a larger selection of dogs and cats are available for adoption.
This event will be in all PetSmart® stores in North America.

go to: to find your local PetSmart

Daniel Sterl, Spécialiste en comportement canine / Dog Behaviour Specialist

What does your dog want in life?

If you know this, you’ll have an extraordinary relationship with your companion.
  • Are you ready for the biggest secret about dogs?
  • Are you ready to discover “what you always wanted to know about dogs but never dared to ask?

So here it is… it’s so simple: what your dog wants is… TO HAVE FUN!

Let’s talk about an example I brought up last month. You want to teach you dog “not to jump on children”. Why does he jump on the kid in the first place? Because he wants to play! Because children are FUN!

How can you teach him not to do so? By making “not to jump on children” even MORE FUN! I’ll use treats, a kid to jump on, and a leash to train him. The treats must be so good that he’ll want to have the treat more than wanting to jump (or at least as much!). Treats have to be attractivewhich means FUN in his head!

Instructions: If I make the distance between the dog and the child longer than the leash, he will not be able to jump on the kid, so it’s not going to be as much fun to jump. Which in turn will make the treat even more attractive because he can have it for “NOT jumping”. I simply reward the “NOT jumping” and ignore him when he TRIES to jump on the kid.

You can apply this principle to anything you DON’T want your dog to do.
But you need to figure out what it is that you DO want him to do instead. Try it and HAVE FUN with your best friend!

Que veut donc votre chien dans la vie?

Si vous connaissez la réponse à cette question, vous pourrez avoir une relation extraordinaire avec votre compagnon.

  • Êtes-vous prêt pour le secret le mieux gardé des chiens?
  • Êtes-vous prêt à découvrir ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir à propos des chiens sans jamais oser le demander?...

Donc, voilà… c’est pourtant si simple me direz-vous : ce que veut votre chien c’est… AVOIR DU PLAISIR!

Prenons l’exemple dont j’ai parlé le mois passé : apprendre à votre chien à « ne pas sauter sur les enfants ». Pourquoi saute-t-il sur les enfants en premier lieu? Parce qu’il veut jouer! Parce que les enfants sont pour lui synonymes de PLAISIR!

Comment donc lui apprendre à ne pas sauter? En faisant en sorte que « NE PAS sauter soit encore plus PLAISANT » Pour l’entrainer, j’aurai besoin de récompenses, d’une laisse et d’un enfant sur qui sauter. Les récompenses doivent être meilleures que son envie de sauter (ou au moins autant!). Les récompenses doivent être attirantes, ce qui égale PLAISIR dans sa tête.

Ensuite, je fais en sorte que la distance entre l’enfant et le chien soit plus grande que la longueur de la laisse afin qu’il ne puisse sauter dessus. Donc sauter sur l’enfant ne sera plus aussi plaisant! Ce qui en retour rendra la récompense encore plus attirante puisqu’il y aura droit uniquement s’il NE SAUTE PAS dessus. Je récompense simplement lorsqu’il NE SAUTE PAS et je l’ignore quand il ESSAIE de sauter sur le jeune.

Vous pouvez appliquer cette méthode pour tout ce que vous NE voulez PAS que votre chien fasse.

Mais vous aurez besoin de déterminer ce que vous désirez qu’il FASSE à la place! Essayez et ayez du PLAISIR avec votre meilleur ami!

Daniel Sterl

(819) 328-5027
(Français & English)


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Thank you for your time / Je vous remercie de votre temps ~~~~ Tante Lori .





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Website by Lori Roche ~~~ All Rights Reserved
Business Established 2013~ Copyright © 2013-2023 ~ Tante Lori Pet Services
Cell: 819-665-2549 - - Lori Roche

Gardiennage d'Animaux / Pet Sitting
Chien Chiot Chat Hamster Oiseaux Reptiles Poissons Dogs Puppy Cats Hamsters Reptile Bird Fish