pet sitting

animaux gardiennage

chat gardiennage

aylmer gatineau quebec

guinea pig / rabbit

lapin / cochon d'Inde


fish / poissons / reptile

puppy / choit

pet of the month

cat sitting
pet videos /vidéos d'animaux

[ Français ]


Who Am I - What is my history ?

Hello.. I am Lori Roche an immigrant from San Francisco California!
Met my dear hubby, Marc, back in 2006 and here I am years later inlove, married and
living life’s passion again... caring for pets!

A year after our two girls flew up to the heavens we decided to bring home a new pooch in June 2019...

ZIGGY - Born April 12 2019

(click here for newsletter) -- He's a "scoodle".

Our Girls who are now frolicking in the winds ....

Maggie Mae ~ June 6, 2002 - August 2, 2018
Became a spirit in wind at 16 years old

Jasmine Rose ~ April 15 2003 - May 18, 2018
Became a spirit in wind at 15 years old

Read the spiritual story of their passings..... Newsletter July 2018

I bet you are wondering who am I and how did I get here to lovely Aylmer Quebec?
LOVE – simply LOVE.

ME Growing up in Denver Colorado

I actually began training for my career as a kid. Dogs have always been in my life. Here is a photo of me at 13. Our dog's name was Gypsy and she had one or two litters of puppies every year. Back then no one thought of it being abnormal. As a child growing up, my responsibility was to take care of her and the puppies. I LOVED it and learned so much. As an adult I always had dogs and puppy litters in my life.

There is nothing more sweet and innocent as "puppy breath"!

Along with my DOG and PUPPIES, my family always had CATS (Siamese) and FISH with a Newt lizard that kept escaping. Pets have always been in my life. They are treasures to behold.

tail wagging pet services

Later on in life, living in San Francisco, my partner and I left the "corporate rat race" and began our own pet service business for 4 years between 2003 and 2006

YEAR 2003-2006--Tail Wagging Pet Services - San Francisco

I am very thankful for the 20 years I spent in the office world for the training and expertise I acquired in administration, bookkeeping, marketing, website design, customer service, advertising, writing, etc. All these skills enabled me to manage and run our business with ease.

Did you know that San Francisco has more dogs per person than anywhere else in the world? It was a great place to get started. We offered Dog boarding and Daycare, Pet Sitting and Dog Walking. The business took off like wildfire and at the end of 4 years we were a great success. Unfortunately, divorce broke us up and the business dissolved along with it. .... click here to see more photos

tante lori dog services
After the breakup I met Marc here in Aylmer Quebec and we were married in late 2007. I always dreamed of reopening my dog business and that day came true when

YEAR 2013-2014 -Chez Tante Lori Dog Boarding & Daycare

officially commenced on August 1, 2013!

It was unique service offering care for pet dogs in my home environment and treated as a pet with 24x7 supervision - no cages. This was a service so very needed and wanted here and
my clients loved their Tante Lori.

TODAY... YEAR - 2013-Now
Tante Lori Pet Sitting Services in Aylmer

cat sitter boarding


Officially launched August 15, 2014.
I am always expanding my horizons through research, experience, and education.

I'm having a wonderful time following my passion of Pet Sitting taking care of different pets like cats, hamsters, birds, reptiles, fish, and even laying hens. I get to meet so many loyal nurturing pets that make people’s lives fuller and richer.

Everyday I get to experience the world through the eyes of happy pets!

I am so rich…. Lori

buster on shoulder ~

PETS in OUR LIVES ........

(a "schnhound" ? -- 50% schnauzer, 37% beagle, 13% basset hound- according to his DNA test)

Born April 12 2019 and joined our lives June 2019

MAGGIE MAE (chinois à crête sans poil - chinese crested hairless)
JASMINE ROSE (chinois à crête powderpuff- chinese crested powderpuff)
Both left us to fly away to doggy heaven Summer 2018

Our Girls who are now frolicking in the winds ....

Maggie Mae ~ June 6, 2002 - August 2, 2018
Became a spirit in wind at 16 years old

Jasmine Rose ~ April 15 2003 - May 18, 2018
Became a spirit in wind at 15 years old
Read the spiritual story of their passings..... Newsletter July 2018

maggie mae chinese crested dog jasmine ~ ~

BUSTER our mini tiger
with us for 3 years - passed away from us May 2014

with us from May 2013 to Sept 2018



(Since August 2013)

(Certified December 2017)
FIRST AID & CPR Certified

(Since November 2015)

Effective Since
September 2013

Website by Lori Roche ~~~ All Rights Reserved
Business Established 2013~ Copyright © 2013-2023 ~ Tante Lori Pet Services
Cell: 819-665-2549 - - Lori Roche

Gardiennage d'Animaux / Pet Sitting
Chien Chiot Chat Hamster Oiseaux Reptiles Poissons Dogs Puppy Cats Hamsters Reptile Bird Fish