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JULY 2018 - v6i07


  • Our Little Girls who just passed away in the last 3 months...... Maggie and Jasmine

  • Two messages that they sent Marc and I (Lori) from the other side

  • More photos of the two of them together

  • Jasmine's passing in May

  • 3 Family Portraits

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after it starts playing
(Spirit in the Sky by Norman Greenbaum)

Maggie Mae

June 6, 2002 - August 2, 2018
16 years old

Jasmine Rose

April 15 2003 - May 18, 2018
15 years old


Maggie Mae and Jasmine Rose Together Again  ( True Story )

Maggie Mae, our sweet funny little dog died August 2, 2018. It was a tough morning for Marc and me.  Maggie was 16 years old and her body began to shut down... she died of old age.  It was a shock.  At the vet’s we were blessed to be there and hold her as she passed painlessly and peacefully to her next journey.

Afterwards, we wanted to take some real quality time to feel, remember, and honour her.  The natural setting of the marina seemed like the perfect spot.  Before going we stopped to get coffee at Tim Horton’s.  In route we discussed both our little girls.  Jasmine who passed at 15 years old in May and Maggie who just passed.  The two sisters were together all their lives and so very close.  Did Maggie die of a broken heart since it had only been 2 ½ months since Jasmine died?  Was Jasmine somewhere waiting for her?  We talked about their individual personalities and what made each girl special.  We smiled and cried.  Were Maggie and Jasmine back together now?  As we were reminiscing about the two of them we drove thru and ordered our coffees. 

As we pulled away from the intercom TWO large black butterflies with bright blue dots flitted UP together before us and once touched wings.  They danced over and up the CENTER of the hood of our car towards the windshield … hesitated just a second in front of us and then flew off together!   Marc and I were speechless.  Was this a message from our girls?  Were they our girls in spirit?  Were they TOGETHER?


A few minutes later we were driving down the road and pondering these very questions.  We then began questioning, where are they - REALLY?  Where did Maggie and Jasmine’s spirits go?  Is there a heaven?  Do they play in the winds? 

Turning on the radio we got our answer in the first song the radio dial hit on..  ……………

Spirit in the Sky Lyrics ~ by Norman Greenbaum

When I die and they lay me to rest
Gonna go to the place that's the best
When I lay me down to die
Goin' up to the spirit in the sky
Goin' up to the spirit in the sky
That's where I'm gonna go when I die
When I die, and they lay me to rest
Gonna go to the place that's the best

Never been a sinner. I never sinned
I got a friend in Jesus
So, you know that when I die
He's gonna set me up with
The spirit in the sky
Oh, set me up with the spirit in the sky
That's where I'm gonna go when I die
When I die and they lay me to rest
I'm gonna go to the place that's the best
Go to the place that's the best …..

You may say … it’s all a coincidence.  But is it?    
To Marc and I - they were, undeniably, 2 messages from Maggie and Jasmine telling us…..

They are back together happily fluttering
around and that their spirits are in the sky.


By the time we got to our destination,
our hearts were at peace... such quiet peace.


Final Ceremony....


One week after Maggie's passing, Marc and I had a private ceremony.

We cremated Maggie's favorite toy so that she would have it with her
wherever goes.
This was her favorite toy that she had cared for and nurtured for 10 years.

Remembering Jasmine, we added used crisco oil to the cremation mix.
She really loved to eat so we knew she would enjoy the smell of meat and french fries!


That night, we watched the smoke
float up into the sky -
carrying our gifts up to them.



JASMINE ROSE - April 15, 2003 - May 18, 2018

Marc and I lost our sweet Jasmine, this past May. She had just turned 15. She was doing great then her eye went bad and she was in constant severe pain. Her sister, Maggie, was at her side with us when we took her to the vet for the final time.

They had been together all their lives (Maggie just turned 16 in June). These two girls were very close so, we wanted Maggie with us at the vet when the the time came to let her sister go. I want to take a moment to tell you a few touching details.

That day when we were in the vet room we had Jasmine on the floor on a towel and Marc and I joined her on the floor. Maggie completely ignored Jasmine during this time. She walked around and sniffed and explored. It took over 10 minutes for Jasmine to fall asleep. Then the vet came in to give the final shot. When Jasmine was finally gone the vet stood up and left. Immediately Maggie walked to Jasmine and tried to cover her with the towel that she laid on. I helped Maggie cover Jasmine and then Maggie sniffed Jasmine's bottom, walked away and it was over. Marc and I were astonished that Maggie knew immediately what happend and came to cover Jasmine with the towel. We had no words.

For a couple weeks afterwards both Maggie and I had our moments. Maggie clung to me for about two days and then she seemed fine. There were times however that she would seem restless or would want to cuddle with me out of the blue. Once she was at the top of the stairs pacing. She had just eaten, her pee pads and water were upstairs. I finally went up to see what was wrong. As soon as I got to the top of the stairs she RAN to the bed at the window in the office where Jasmine always loved to lay and watch the world out front. I sat at the desk nearby and Maggie laid down and slept. Half an hour later Maggie woke up, went downstairs, and acted as if nothing happened.

These little moments ... these little looks and loyalties and acts of true love for eachother. You can't tell me pets don't have souls.

Jasmine's body is now part of the wind and earth and her soul is with the angels.

Our First Christmas Together - 2007

Summer - 2012

Summer 2014

Fall 2015



.... Lori ......


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(Since August 2013)

(Certified December 2017)
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(Since November 2015)

Effective Since
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Website by Lori Roche ~~~ All Rights Reserved
Business Established 2013~ Copyright © 2013-2023 ~ Tante Lori Pet Services
Cell: 819-665-2549 - - Lori Roche

Gardiennage d'Animaux / Pet Sitting
Chien Chiot Chat Hamster Oiseaux Reptiles Poissons Dogs Puppy Cats Hamsters Reptile Bird Fish