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JULY / JUILLET 2016 - v4i07

WELCOME to Tante Lori's Monthly Newsletter designed to talk about those questions that pop in our heads from time to time. This newsletter will aim to be brief, fun, informative, and interesting. I hope you find it useful and I welcome your comments and suggestions.

  • Pet of the Month - Bert
  • Heat Stroke in Pets - locked in cars
  • Do Cats get ticks?
  • From the NEWS: Don't be 'ticked' off by Lyme disease

Pet of the Month - JULY 2016

Bert is an old cat. He's dignified and picky about who he honours with his presence.

When I cared for him, it was a couple days before I was fully excepted. After a few visits I stopped looking for him when I arrived. Instead I made some loud noises (to wake him up from wherever he was) and then sat quietly and waited.

Sure enough his curiosity got the best of him and he appeared in minutes... hehe.

I love his different poses - so dignified.

One of my favorites is when he crosses his front legs.

Our routine became simple... after he checked on his food he would sit a foot or so away from me and purr. He liked the company as long as I didn't want to cuddle - that would have been going too far for this ruler of the house.

So we sit together in silence and once in awhile I'd reach over and gently pet him for a minute a two. Sometimes he would take the initiative and get up to rub my foot or hand with his head. Then... it was back to a cozy silence.

My mom told me to always leave the guys wanting more….
never thought it would apply to a cat LOL.


With this HEATWAVE we are having.... it's time again to address :
Pets in Parked Cars – Heat Stroke warning

Heat stroke requires immediate attention. Pets will suffer and die in parked cars
- even with windows cracked open.

Outside Air Temperature, 24°C.

Inside Car temperature in
10 minutes = 34°C
; 20 minutes = 40°C; 30 minutes = 43°C

Exaggerated panting or sudden stopping of panting - difficulty breathing - rapid or erratic pulse -  salivation – weakness muscle tremors tongue and lips bright red or grayconvulsions - vomitingcollapseseizurescoma - death.


CATS do sweat, but their skin is covered in fur so their paw pads have the most sweat glands. They can leave damp footprints when walking on a hard surface.  Only very heat stressed cats will pant, unlike the common panting we see in dogs.

DOGS depend on panting to exchange warm air for cool air. But when air temperature is close to body temperature, cooling by panting is not an efficient process.

  1. Move to cool area
  2. Provide cool drinking water or ice to lick
  3. Wet fur and paw pads with cool water
  4. For dogs, apply cool pack (not ice) pack to groin area

What to do if you find a pet in a car alone?

In the summer and fall month every year, pets suffer and die when their guardians make the mistake of leaving them in a parked car—even for “just a minute”—while they run an errand. (info gathered from:

1. Gather info
Note the car’s color, make, and model, and write down the license plate number or take a picture of it.  If you have a cellphone take photos to document all the info.

2. Notify Others
If there’s time, go into the nearest building and find a manager. Remember: It only takes minutes for a dog to suffer brain damage when the weather is hot. Time is of the essence!

Politely ask the manager to page the owner of the car. BE PERSISTENT!

3. Monitor the dog
Go back outside and wait by the car. (Don’t leave until the dog is safe!)
Watch for any signs that the pet is having a heat stroke.  (See my list above)

4. Educate
When the owner appears, share some facts, and don’t forget to carry literature in your glove box.

Click here to find PDF literature you can print. You can even put it under the car's windshield wipers if you don't want to confront them when the owners re-appear (assuming the pet is still okay at that point)

5. Call for help
 If the owner doesn't’t show up or doesn't’t do anything, call animal control. If animal control can’t come immediately, call 911.

Do cats get TICKS?

excerpts from PETMD:


It is a myth that ticks do not bother cats. Cats can and do pick up ticks. Ticks are most commonly seen around the face, neck, ears, feet, and legs of your cat. However, they can attach anywhere on your cat’s body

What should you do if you find a tick on your cat? Grasp the tick firmly near the head where it is attached to your cat’s skin and pull it gently but steadily backwards away from the skin. You can purchase a special device to help you remove ticks, or a pair of forceps also works well for grasping the tick’s body.

There are a number of products that can help prevent your cat from getting ticks. Most of them also help prevent fleas as well. None of them, however, are 100 percent effective in keeping ticks away from your cat, though some are more effective than others. If your cat goes outdoors, you should check your cat regularly for ticks regardless of whether you are using a flea and tick prevention medication.



for more info:

1) Don't be 'ticked' off by Lyme disease . By Dr. Brian Goldman

excerpts from CBCRADIO article :

The Public Health Agency of Canada says that in 2015, there were 707 new cases of Lyme disease  a big jump compared to 143 cases reported back in 2009.  Both Ontario and Quebec have both reported large increases in the number of patients infected.  Ottawa public health officials reported 70 cases in 2015, up from 22 the year before.  In addition to Quebec and Ontario, Lyme has also been reported in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and southern B.C. The thing is, authorities believe the cases reported are just the tip of the iceberg.  Dr. Gregory Taylor, the Public Health Agency of Canada's chief medical officer of health says there could be thousands of Canadians who have been infected recently. The most alarming prediction I've seen is as many as 20,000 new cases a year.
What's behind the jump in the number of Canadians infected? Chalk some of it up to greater awareness.  In the ER, I see many more patients who come in with tick bites asking to be tested for Lyme disease.  But a big part of the trend is an actual increase in the number of people infected. There are a number of credible theories.  Climate change means that more infected ticks are surviving through the Canadian winter.  Warmer weather also extends the seasons in which Canadians go hiking and mountain biking in places where the ticks thrive.  The less hunting Canadians do, the more deer survive to act as reservoirs of the disease.  As well, birds infected with the bacterium may carry it and the disease to more and more parts of the country.


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with the link to that month's NEWSLETTER.

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Thank you for your time / Je vous remercie de votre temps ~~~~ Tante Lori .




(Since August 2013)

(Certified December 2017)
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Effective Since
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Website by Lori Roche ~~~ All Rights Reserved
Business Established 2013~ Copyright © 2013-2023 ~ Tante Lori Pet Services
Cell: 819-665-2549 - - Lori Roche

Gardiennage d'Animaux / Pet Sitting
Chien Chiot Chat Hamster Oiseaux Reptiles Poissons Dogs Puppy Cats Hamsters Reptile Bird Fish