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FEBRUARY / FEVRIER 2017 - v5i02

WELCOME to Tante Lori's Monthly Newsletter designed to talk about those questions that pop in our heads from time to time. This newsletter will aim to be brief, fun, informative, and interesting. I hope you find it useful and I welcome your comments and suggestions.

  • Pet of the Month - NIMI & NOLO
  • What is a Guinea Pig?
  • Why have a rodent for a pet?

Pet of the Month - February 2017


I just met these sweet little kids and they won my heart immediately!
I love having them as clients.

Just what IS a Guinea Pig?

Wiki How on Guinea Pigs

A Hub of Info:

Guinea Pig Manual:

Petco Caresheet on Guinea Pigs:

Guinea pigs are funny little rodents that are very affectionate
once they get to know and trust you.

  • No one is really sure where the name Guinea pig came from. According to Vanderlip, some historians speculate that the roasted meat reminded Europeans of suckling pigs. Some think Guinea pigs got their name from the squealing sounds they make. The name may come from the price of a Guinea pig in 16th-century England: 1 guinea. Some researchers say ships leaving the port of Guiana in South America or Guinea in West Africa may have carried the animals to the European market.

  • The Incas domesticated Guinea pigs more than 3,000 years ago. They bred them as pets and for food and offered them as sacrifices to their gods. Around the end of the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors took Guinea pigs from South America to Europe, where they became popular pets among Elizabethan society.

  • Guinea pigs are tailless rodents that weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 lbs. Their compact, cylindrical bodies range from 8 to 10 inches long.

  • Their ears are small and petal-shaped and their eyes are set on the sides of their heads. They have small, triangular mouths, which contain 20 teeth. Like other rodents, their teeth grow continuously, and Guinea pigs must chew or gnaw constantly to keep them from growing too long.

  • While domesticated Guinea pigs are no longer found in the wild, they do have some cousins, also called Guinea pigs, in South America that live in forests, savannas, mountainous grasslands and bushy areas.
  • Are one of the most popular pets in the UK & America

  •  There are 3 types main of guinea pigs –
    • The first is the American/English one which has short hair with a smooth coat.
    • The second is the Abyssinian guinea pig which has a more wiry coat with hair that forms swirls similar to rosettes.
    • Lastly, the third are the Peruvian guinea pigs which have straight, long and silky hair

  • Are social animals and they are much happier and healthier when kept in pairs or groups

  • The most common health issues seen in guinea pigs include diarrhea, scurvy, respiratory tract infections and abscesses

  • Guinea pigs are herbivores.  Typically, domesticated Guinea pigs eat processed pellets made from alfalfa hay or timothy hay and vitamins and minerals that Guinea pigs need to be healthy. They also love vegetables and fruits such as kale, mustard greens, bell peppers, carrots, bananas, apples and blueberries. Unlike other small animals, Guinea pigs need Vitamin C to stay healthy and avoid scurvy.
  • Guinea pigs don't need to drink if they eat moist foods, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. Special water bottles that hang from the cage bars are often a good way to supplement water needs for pet Guinea pigs.

  • Guinea pigs are very social and are herd animals. They like to be with others of their own kind, but also thrive from human affection.

  • They are most active during dusk and dawn. When they are awake, Guinea pigs spend their time feeding, grooming or investigating their cage

More Fun Facts About Guinea Pigs

  • Oldest recorded guinea pig lived to the age of 15 which earned a place in the Guiness Book of Records. The average lifespan is 4 - 7 years.

  • They have 4 toes on their front feet but only 3 on their back ones
  • They make lots of different noises when they want to express themselves. This includes squealing, chirping, rumbling, purring and chirping
  • A female guinea pig is called a “sow” and the males are referred to as “boars”. Baby guinea pigs are called “pups” and “Pups” are born with fur and their eyes open
  • Popcorning is an action that your Guinea Pig makes to let you know it is very happy! It is a very good sign when your piggy Popcorns. Most of the time, piggies will do it when you are getting them food, when they are in a good playful mood, or sometimes just out of the blue!


CHECK OUT THIS PAGE for Their many many sounds and the meanings.....


Why have a Rodent for a Pet?

Expcerpt: ""These days there so many different small furry pets that kids just love. From mice to rats, hamsters to gerbils, when your child inevitably starts to ask for a furry pet of their own, which of the various options should you consider? It’s no easy decision because although hamsters may still be the quintessential child’s pet, many would argue that some of the alternatives actually make better pets. Everyone has individual preferences, so making a decision you can live with for a few years can be a minefield.

If this is the situation you find yourself in right now, this article is for you.

Let’s dive in and consider 4 of the most popular small rodents — this will be an impartial look at their strengths and weaknesses so you’ll be armed with the right information. "" READ MORE on each kind ...




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Cell: 819-665-2549 - - Lori Roche

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