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APRIL / MAY 2017 - v5i04-05

WELCOME to Tante Lori's Monthly Newsletter designed to talk about those questions that pop in our heads from time to time. This newsletter will aim to be brief, fun, informative, and interesting. I hope you find it useful and I welcome your comments and suggestions.

  • Pet of the Month - BECKY JO ... Purina Animal Hall of Famer
  • Do Female dogs and cats have False Pregnancies?
  • Xray view of you petting your kitty cat... yikes!

Pet of the Month - April/May 2017 -- BECKY JO

inducted into the 2017 Purina Animal Hall of Fame (


The scene, seemingly ripped from the script of an old western movie, is the real-life tale of Alberta's Tracy Matkea. Thrown from the saddle and dragged through the dust, the woman was bleeding, bruised and moments from death. But, just as she slipped out of consciousness, her dog Becky Jo came to the rescue.

A year since Matkea's near-death experience, her canine rescuer is being honoured for her heroism. The Australian shepherd-border collie mix has been inducted into the 2017 Purina Animal Hall of Fame, which honours Canadian pets for outstanding acts of animal courage and heroism.

The retired teacher and rodeo-circuit veteran spends her winters in Wickenburg, Arizona., where she and her husband Butch care for a small stable of horses. On the morning on Jan 10, 2016, Matkea saddled up for a ride along the dry river bed that snakes around their ranch property. As always, her dog Becky Jo bounded alongside her. The Alberta woman in the Arizona desert was about 460 metres from home when her horse spooked and reared back violently, without warning. The veteran equestrian was knocked unconscious and became entangled in the reins. Helpless to free herself from the terrified filly, Matkea was dragged for more than a kilometre across the rugged terrain. Her skull was fractured. Her scalp was pulled back, down to the bone.

Eventually, her riderless horse returned home, setting off alarm bells for Matkea's husband. But he was unable to find his injured wife until a yelping Becky Jo (her dog) came running home, The dog circled the driveway, barking repeatedly to warn him that something was terribly wrong. In a panic, Butch hopped onto an ATV and followed Becky Jo for almost five kilometres to find Tracy lying motionless, sprawled across some large rocks. Matkea was airlifted to a hospital in Phoenix where she was treated for severe facial and scalp lacerations, a broken facial bone, a major concussion and a severed artery in her head.

The doctors told her she had been minutes away from bleeding to death. "I was bleeding profusely. I was conscious at that time, but incoherent," said Matkea. "Five or 10 more minutes bleeding out there and that would have been it. I wouldn't have been able to lose any more blood. "She literally saved my life."

More than a year after his wife was injured, her husband Butch still finds it hard to talk about. "Becky saved her life," he said through tears. "Words can't explain it."

Excerpts of this story from:

Do Female Dogs and Cats have "False Pregnancies"?

The answer is YES !!

My little girl, Maggie Mae, was born June 6, 2002 and is a Chinese Crested Hairless.

I waited too long to get her spaded and after her first heat in May 2003
Maggie went into, what is called, a false pregnancy.
Here is her story...

On the 2nd of May Maggie started her "false pregnancy". It was a natural occurrence and the vet told me not to worry and just let it take it's normal course.

First Maggie "nested" on her favorite doggie bed. When the bed was ready, she collected a few "puppies" into her nest...

Her 5 "puppies" were ....

    • a happyface xmas stocking that laughs,
    • godzilla that roars,
    • rubber baby teething toy,
    • small blue dog toy, and
    • a washcloth !

Then she acted as she just gave gave birth to her toys and began "nursing" them!

She became a VERY good Mommy...and the babies were so quiet,
except for when she would sit on one of the squeaky ones! LOL

After a week Maggie started to let our senior dog and her best friend, Max, sleep with them!!  She would even let Max babysit them while she went off to take a break! Once in awhile I would find her placing a "puppy" on my lap to watch as well.

Around a week and a half she started bringing her favorite pup (the laughing happy face) to the bench at the window.. I guess she was showing the new pup around the house as she brought the "happy face" one out more and out of the safety of the bed.

One day during the second week Maggie began barking non-aggessively with her tail wagging at Shadow, our male bernese mountain dog. He hadn't been properly introduced to the "puppies" yet and she barked non-stop everytime he came near.  Looking for some expert advice I called the breeder, Maggie Weeks, and she told me that my girl was trying to tell Shadow about the puppies.  SURE enough, after I brought Shadow to the basket of "pups" and Maggie sniffed him. She then accepted Shadow's presence and all calmed down... whew !!

By the end of 2 weeks Maggie brought 3 of her "puppies" (happy face, blue toy puppy, and teething toy) to her food dish pushing them into the dish. My only guess is she was trying to get them to eat.

By the end of the 3rd week she had abandoned all of her 5 "puppies" and went about life as usual. However, the laughing happy face toy remained her favorite for a couple more years ... if it wasn't with her, she knew exactly where it was.

We had her spaded in the following month. It was the best thing for her but gosh... she was such a terrific mommy !!!!


go to: .. DOGS




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(Since August 2013)

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Cell: 819-665-2549 - - Lori Roche

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