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AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 - v6i08-09

  • Pet of the Month... Louis
  • Kitty Litter - Pet and Planet friendly types
  • History of kitty litter
  • Interesting Cat facts

Pet of the Month for AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 -- LOUIS


The first time I met Louis he was very wary of me.
After 10 minutes he was hunting like a TIGER !


Then he became a PUSSYCAT !



LOUIS likes my singing...
VIDEO) Summer 2018, 40 seconds...
(Wait for video to load then push play)

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Kitty Litter that is Pet and Planet Friendly

As a Pet Sitter I dig into litterboxes everyday.  An increasing amount of people are using bio-degradable litter.  Have you ever stopped to calculate just how many plastic bags filled with soiled litter go into our trash bins each year?  It’s an astounding amount.

Natural litter has no harmful ingredients typically found in clay litter.  Most are dust-free, control odor, and clumping.

Here are some examples:

  • Corn based litter.  Bio-degradable and flushable this is an absorbent corn compressed into concentrated granules.  Clumping and non-clumping types.  Clumping controls odors.

  • Reclaimed Natural Wood.  Ground up wood with small granule texture.

  • Recycled paper. In pellets or granules. The granule type clumps with urine.

  • Wheat based litter.  The natural wheat enzymes neutralize odor on contact, and wheat starches clump firmly for easy scooping.

  • Grass.   A fine grained litter made from grass fibers that is biodegradable, controls odor, and has good clumping ability.

  • Walnut shells. Made from crushed walnut shells and is dark brown in color. Walnut shell litters have clumping ability, offer excellent odor control, are highly absorbent, and biodegradable.


  • When considering new natural options be aware of any allergies your cat may have.

  • If not flushable, use paper bags or newspapers to throw your kitty litter away.  Decreases the use of plastic bags.
  • Get a kitty litter that clumps.  If it doesn’t clump the urine soiled litter will mix with the clean and quickly dirty the entire litter box. 

  • When trying a new brand of litter, buy a small bag first for testing.

  • A new brand/type of litter should be mixed with the old litter for the first week or two to allow your cat to adapt.

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CLICK on EACH photo to link to the site that sells that item.



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When was Kitty Litter created? Answer: 1947

Edward 'Ed' Lowe (July 10, 1920 – October 4, 1995) was an American businessman and entrepreneur, noted for the invention of cat litter.
The Small Business School described him as "building a huge business from nothing" and cited him as a textbook example of an individual
who created a product;  brought it to marketplace; invented an industry; and later sold his business for millions.

After his Navy duty, Ed Lowe returned to Cassopolis, Michigan and joined his father's company, which sold industrial absorbents, including sawdust and an absorbent clay called fuller's earth. In 1947 Ed was approached by a neighbor who was tired of using ashes in her cat's litter box and the resulting sooty paw prints. She asked for some sand, but Ed suggested clay instead. Soon the neighbor would use nothing else, noting that the clay was much more absorbent than sand and didn't track all over the house.

Mr. Lowe’s invention of kitty litter enabled people to keep their cats inside.
Up until the 1950s, cats roamed American neighborhoods freely, using the great outdoors as their litter area. Pans filled with dirt or newspaper were used indoors by a few cat owners, but it wasn’t until the first clay litter was created that litter boxes really caught on.

With the invention of cat litter, cats rocketed to popularity as indoor household pets.


Just a few interesting facts about our cats…..


  • A cat has free-floating clavicles (collarbone) allowing them the flexibility to fit through openings the size of their heads.

  • A group of 3 or more cats (domestic or feral) is called a clowder. It can also be called a glaring, particularly if the cats are uncertain of each other. A litter of kittens can also be called a kindle. A male cat is called a tom and a female is a molly.

  • Other cat groups: 
    Leap of leopards; ambush or streak of tigers; pride of lions; and a shadow of jaguars;

  • Cats can only see sharply up to about 20 feet (6 m).  They lack the muscles necessary to change the shape of their eye lenses, so they also can't see things clearly quite as close as humans can.

  • Cats have been domesticated since prehistoric times, 8000-9000 BC, with the first direct evidence being of a cat buried along side a human in Cyprus around 7500 BC. Some Egyptians held funerals for their dead cat friends and buried them in family crypts or pet cemeteries.  Often, they have been found with tiny mummies of mice.

  • A cat’s urine glows in the dark when a black-light shines on it.  Good way to find out that you have a naughty kitty.

  • Cats have taste buds in the tongue, but they don’t function well. Cats taste salty, sour and bitter but not sweets.  The cat can taste scents with the small Jacobson's organ at the front of its mouth.

  • Canned food is better for cats than dry diets because it contains a high water content (about 80%), which helps maintain a lower urine specific gravity (less “stuff” in the urine), which helps protect the kidneys and can help prevent urinary crystals and stones. Most of the cats who are urinating outside the box have bladder stones or uncomfortable crystals in their urine when are eating a dry-food-only diet. –  read more..

  • Cat’s need scratching posts or pads to remove the dead outer layer of claws, to mark territory by leaving both a visual mark and a scent (they have scent glands on their paws), and to stretch their bodies and flex their feet and claws.

  • A cat’s body is built for hunting.  Every part of it… head, eyes, teeth, ears, back and front legs, and paws all specially designed for hunting.  

  • According to a cat expert, Jackson Galaxy, a cat’s life is made up of -  hunt, kill, eat, groom, and sleep.  Play is crucial to keeping your kitty happy and healthy.  The play must me interactive. They won't want to play with a “dead mouse”.  They want the hunt first which means they need active play with you and toys.

If you have a one cat, a pair, or a clowder go to  
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NOTE: All Photos of Pets are Tante Lori Clients


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