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NOVEMBER 2018 - v6i11

    Pet of the Month... COCO
    Why do dogs hump??
    Should I spay or neuter my pet cat and dog?

    Pet of the Month for NOVEMBER 2018 - COCO

    Little boy COCO is a 2 1/2 year old "Morkie". A Morkie is a Maltese and a Yorkie mix.
    They grow up to 6 to 8 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 4 to 8 pounds.
    Morkies are happy-go-lucky, love to run, playful, affectionate, and fetch toys. Oh.. and they are very vocal.. ahem!

    COCO here is full of character and can win your heart in minutes.








    Google "Morkie" for more info on this tiny dog with a huge personality!


    Why do dogs hump ???

    I’ve been in this business and observing dogs together for over 10 years .  The social behaviour of dogs is complex. So much so that experts spend lifetimes studying the language and social structure of man's best friend.

    Being in a business that includes many types of dogs together everyday, I have watched dogs hump eachother and objects innumerable times.  This article: pretty much sums up what I myself have observed.

    Sexual desire 
    This one is obvious and can happen with males intact or neutered.  Earlier this year we had a rescue neutered male. Like most people I thought that when a dog is neutered they lose their desire to mate. Not so! I phoned my vet and had that awkward conversation – why is my neutered male humping a female in heat?  The doctor explained that sexual feelings are complex and hormones are not the only factor to consider.  Body language and scent can also “turn on“  any male dog.  

    When both male and female dogs hump other dogs, same sex or opposite, they can simply be playing.  It’s like two kids romping around and competing to be “king of the mountain”.  Healthy play behaviour is when both dogs trade off being the top dog.   This is not a problem unless one dog doesn’t like it and the other keeps trying.  In this scenario a dog fight could occur.  You need to watch how they react to eachother and determine whether or not the play humping is okay with both dogs.

    When a dog gets excited meeting up with another dog or person, he/she may express happiness via humping behaviour.

    Compulsive Disorder 
    Humping can become a compulsive problem.  Probably a sign of stress or anxiety.   Your dog may mount another dog, a toy, blanket, or a pillow. This is only a concern if the dog is obsessive about it. This type of obsessive humping requires a dog behaviorist to evaluate the dog and find ways to relieve the dog’s stress and anxiety.

    Medical issue
    If your dog seems pre-occupied all the time with humping, he/she should see a vet to make sure there is nothing physically wrong such as urinary issues, skin allergies, etc.

    Social Status
    If only one of the dogs in a pair is humping, it could be a dominant act.  There’s no need to be concerned if the other dog doesn’t mind.  You need to watch the body language of the dog being humped.  If the dog on the bottom seems nervous, submissive or showing signs of aggression then they both need to be separated to avoid a possible fight.


    I highly recommend visiting this site: for more detailed information


    Should I spay or neuter my pet cat and dog?

    The Controversy

    I have searched all over the net and there are so many opinions (expert and personal) about this subject. There are articles FOR IT to MAYBE to NEVER do it !
    My head was spinning with so many "valid" points of view on why and why not to sterilize your pet.

    I am not going to add my opinion. Instead I will share some guidelines that appear in most expert webpages. This is a decision you must make for each pet. If you're not sure what to do, be sure to consult breeders, veterinarians and browse the internet for expert websites to help you make an educated decision.


    No unwanted dogs and cats, prevention of cancer in ovaries or testicles, and calmer temperament. Also you can avoid the problems of courting behaviour listed below.

    • Contribution from Clinique Vétérinaire Eardley here in Aylmer
      "Female DOGS and CATS that are not spayed can have what we call a pyometra which is an infection of the uterus. If the female has that, we need to do an emergency surgery. If we have to do an emergency surgery it is more costly and putting the animal at a higher risk under anesthesia, specially because usually the animal is lethargic and weak. We cannot predict whether the animal will have it or not. It can happen that the owner will decide to euthanised because they cannot afford the emergency surgery when it could of been prevented. "

    • Male DOG courting behaviour includes escaping property to hunt out a female in heat (if he catches the scent of a one in the area).  In addition, the male the dog will start marking territory inside and out of the house after puberty and if neutered too late the habit of marking may be too ingrained to stop.
    • Contribution from Clinique Vétérinaire Eardley here in Aylmer
      Male DOGS: "Certain health issues especially in male dogs can be prevented if neutered (some urinary stones, some prostatic problems and certain kinds of tumors like perianal tumors are hormone dependant)."

    • Female DOGS in heat will bleed, have changes in her mood, and attract males in the area.

    • Male CATS attempt to proclaim the female in heat by spraying the surrounding area outside. This scent is strong and difficult to eliminate. Also, get ready for loud yowling, hissing, and screaming going on while the males fight for the female.

    • Female CATS attract more than one male in the area so you can have many cats fighting in your yard. She will tease the males and resist their approaches till she is ready. Females will also be very vocal during this time.


    • Healthier pets with hormones intact at least to the age of puberty.
    • Breeding purposes
    • Contribution from Clinique Vétérinaire Eardley here in Aylmer
      "There is the possibility of weight gain because the metabolism slows down after removing the hormones which can lead to weight gain. BUT THAT CAN BE PREVENTED as long as we measure the quantity and monitor the body score."


    Hormones have an important function in the growth of a dog or cat. The general rule according to many experts is wait till they have hit puberty (or sexual maturity) before spaying or neutering.

    • CATS
      According to Dr. RonHines- 2nd Chance, the time cats become sexually mature and the time their adult canine teeth (fangs) reach their full length generally coincide. Decisions based on hormonal analysis of the blood of your pet might be more scientific, but he has observed through many years of practice that examination of the canine teeth is quite accurate and effective. 

    • DOGS
      According to Dr. RonHines- 2nd Chance. There are varying opinions on when to sterilize a dog but the majority of experts, veterinarians and breeders say between 10 months to 18 months old. As your pet matures, hormones produced by its testes and ovaries determine the shape and length of its bones. When these hormones are removed too soon through neutering before puberty, the bones grow for a longer period and to different proportions.  This can add to the problem of hip dysplasia in larger dogs .  It seems the bones are at the most risk. 

    The thing is... there are many many pets that have been sterilized before puberty and it's worked out okay for the majority of them. So it's up to the pet owner to decide what course to take. There really is NO concrete answer. Every situation is different and this whole controversy will be around for sometime to come.


     Dr. Ron Hines’, veterinarian, views are reflected in majority of Veterinarian websites.




    NOTE: All Photos of Pets are taken by Tante Lori


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