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APRIL 2019 - v7i04

  • Pets of the Month - Merlot & Shiraz
  • Healthy Treats for your cat
  • Playing with your cat promotes needed exercise and fun

Pets of the Month...


These two little kitties love to lay in the sun and swat at a fluttering feather once in a while.!




Magazine CATSTER always has really great tips...
Low-Calorie Treats


Need healthy snacks for your "fluffy" cat?

Article in Catster online magazine ....

People love to give their pets treats and pets love to eat them. What’s not to like? The catch is when your cat is on the “round” side and needs to lose some weight. You would still like to reward her for good behavior and possibly use some treats for training. What are good options?

Treats should never be more than 10 percent of your cat’s diet. Start by simply setting aside a portion of your cat’s daily food to use for treats and training. This is easiest to do with kibble. You may even want to try a different flavor of your regular food to make it “special,” and your retailer might have a sample bag for you to try.

If you own a dehydrator, you can consider making some CHICKEN or BEEF jerky for your cat. Do not use spices; go with straight meat. Use lean cuts to minimize calories and fat. Slice the meat thin and dehydrate it until it is almost brittle, at which point it becomes easy to break into small bite-size treats. Cats love meat, so these are popular treats.

For true low-calorie choices, you can also consider
FRUITS or VEGETABLES, if your cat shows interest:

•             Apples (fresh or dehydrated)
•             Bananas (fresh or dehydrated)
•             Blueberries
•             Carrot slices (cooked or fresh)
•             Celery
•             Cucumbers
•             Green beans
•             Melon pieces
•             Zucchini (cooked or fresh)

You can also provide a small amount of CATNIP. It’s low calorie and provides lots of amusement, too! Many cats also love having a small plot of grass, such as wheat or oats, to chew on.


Why is it important to play with my cat ?
Great way to give your fluffy cat the exercise and fun doing it.

Click here for the full fun article...


NOTE: All Photos of Pets are taken by Tante Lori


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Business Established 2013~ Copyright © 2013-2023 ~ Tante Lori Pet Services
Cell: 819-665-2549 - - Lori Roche

Gardiennage d'Animaux / Pet Sitting
Chien Chiot Chat Hamster Oiseaux Reptiles Poissons Dogs Puppy Cats Hamsters Reptile Bird Fish