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vol 2 issue 3

WELCOME to Chez Tante Lori's Monthly Newsletter designed to talk about those questions that pop in our heads from time to time. This newsletter will aim to be brief, fun, informative, and interesting. I hope you find it useful
and I welcome your comments and suggestions. Thank you / Merci Beaucoup ... Lori

  • Pet of the Month- THOR !!!!
  • HEALTH: Clearing away some of the fog around Vaccinations
  • HEALTH: Daniel Sterl - Physical Exercise is important for Mental Health
  • HEALTH: Angela Davis - Pure Essential Oils - A natural option for your pets
  • Photo Album- updated with January & February Activities

MARCH 2014

Husky & Australian Shepard Mix

Playful, Luxuriously Soft, Cuddly.
Not just with people but with other dogs too. He makes best friends with everyone!

He's such a joy to have here!

Pet Vaccinations - The need for vaccines can be a confusing subject.
Let me help clear some of the fog away

Vaccine Combinations:

DAPP vaccine - (given in a 1-year vaccine) Distemper, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus.
DHPP vaccine - ( puppy vaccine), Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus.
DA2PP vaccine - (given to puppies at 8 weeks of age; 12 weeks;  16 weeks;  1 year ; and then annually or every 3 years thereafter.) Distemper, A2 for both Adenovirus type 1 and Adenovirus type 2, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza.
Because infectious canine hepatitis is covered by adenovirus type 1, an “H” is sometimes used instead of “A” to show that hepatitis is covered (as in DHPP).
DA2PPC vaccine - Same as DA2PP with additional Canine Coronavirus.

NOTE: DHPP, DAPP, DA2PP, and DAPPC are not the same. The names are often used interchangeably but they are different. Distemper, adenovirus type 1 (thus hepatitis), parainfluenza, and parvovirus are covered by all 4. DHPP covers adenovirus type 1 and may or may not cover adenovirus type 2. And only DAPPC covers coronavirus.


  • D - Distemper virus - Highly contagious virus that affects the skin and the respiratory and neurological systems. Young puppies are more susceptible to the virus than adult dogs. This disease is often fatal. Distemper is spread through close contact with infected dogs.
  • A - Canine Adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) - Related to the hepatitis virus Canine Adenovirus type 1 (CAV-1)This is used in vaccines to provide protection against canine infectious hepatitis. This virus can cause liver failure as well as kidney failure. If a patient survives, damage can cause lifelong impairment of these organ systems. Adenovirus is spread mainly by contact with the urine of infected animals.
  • H –Hepatitis - Affects the liver and can cause loss of vision.

  • P – Parainfluenza - Respiratory virus that causes coughing.

  • P – Parvovirus - Attacks the lining of the intestinal tract and causes severe vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. Without treatment this disease is often fatal. Parvovirus is highly contagious. Dogs contract the virus through contact with an infected dog’s stools.
  • C - Canine Coronavirus CCV - Highly contagious and spread through the feces of infected dogs.] Symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, and anorexia. Diagnosis through detection of virus particles in the feces. Treatment requires medication for diarrhea, but more severely affected dogs may require intravenous fluids for dehydration. Fatalities are rare. The virus is destroyed by most available disinfectants. There is a vaccine available and it is usually given to puppies, which are more susceptible to canine coronavirus.


Other Vaccine Descriptions

  • Rabies vaccine or Rage or Rage Imrab 3 - The only vaccine required by law. (given in a 3-year vaccine after initial puppy vaccination and one year booster shot)  This is a fatal viral disease that can infect all warm-blooded animals, including dogs and humans.
  • Leptospirosis - A bacterial infection that can damage your dog’s liver, kidneys, and other major organs. Other dogs, and even humans, can become ill after contact with an infected dog’s urine.

  • Bordetella  Bronchiseptica vaccine - A bacterial infection contributing to the respiratory disease commonly known as kennel cough. This disease can be much more severe when accompanied by a viral infection. This vaccine is often required for use of boarding kennels, dog parks, obedience school, veterinary hospitals, or grooming facilities.  Can be fatal to puppies if not treated in time.

Next month I'll discuss the controversies over vaccines.

Daniel Sterl, Spécialiste en comportement canine / Dog Behaviour Specialist

Exercise for the Mental health of your pet!

One of my job is to provide tools for rehabilitation of dog owners’ friends, or do this rehabilitation myself in order to stop unwanted behaviours in their best friend. What is the major reason causing these behaviour problems? The lack of physical exercise!

Are you sitting now? Otherwise, hold on to something, because what I am about to reveal may knock you down: to be mentally balanced, dogs need on average, regardless of their race or size... 5 hours of activities… per day! Yes, you understood: FIVE HOURS/DAY! And even if you have a small dog like a Chihuahua for example, it doesn't necessarily mean (s)he needs less . It's just that the intensity of the activities for a Westie will be less than that of a Pitbull!

OK, but I said ACTIVITIES, which not necessarily meaning physical exercises! So what are the activities of a dog? These are the 5 main ones:

  1. Physical activity (yes, exercise!)
  2. Mental activity (with my training methods, (s)he will get a max!)
  3. Chewing activity (working his (her) jaw, e.g. chewing a bone)
  4. Vocalization activity (yapping or barking)
  5. Sexual activity (not much of a problem if (s)he is neutered!)

Barking is not much appreciated in our society. Nor is sexual activity, unless you are a breeder, (and even then, you don’t want him (her) do it every day!), it is not more accepted... especially when "zinging" on guest’s leg! For chewing, say at best (s)he spends one hour to chew a bone, there still remains 4 hours!

Remaining are the physical and mental activities. So let's focus on the physical aspect accessible to all. How is it, that doing physical exercise improves mental health? Well your dog has all this energy inside him (her). Everyday, if (s)he can’t evacuate it, (s)he then accumulates internal stress. Then arise different behavioural problems that range from destruction to biting or from separation anxiety to excessive barking.

Human analogy: without being very athletic, I’m used to take a good walk and even jog several times a week. In recent months, with extreme cold temperatures, let’s say I’ve often forgotten to go out. And believe me, I look forward to spring! Lack of exercise makes me more irritable, stressed and I lose concentration... does it ring a bell? Your dog feels the same!

A real dog story: A friend of mine has two dogs, a female Labrador, 11 years old and a young poodle, 2 years old. Every day she goes outside and walks with them for at least 2 hours! I can assure you that her two dogs are really calm and balanced. And unless they suffer a major psychological trauma, if she maintains that lifestyle for the dogs, they will keep being the best dogs in the world .

But don’t worry if you are more sedentary than my friend. With my training methods and different tips I can give you, you will increase the activity level of your dog without having to run the marathon.

If you're the sporty type like my friend, we will offer soon (late March) an activity to introduce you to Cani-Course, Ski-joring and bike-joring, very fun and exciting activities that will not only allow you to give your best friend the chance to evacuate his (her) excess energy, but also to develop a special relationship with him (her). More information to come on this site very soon!

If you have any questions or need help with this, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Daniel Sterl

(819) 328-5027
(Français & English)

Cliquez ici pour le français


INTRODUCING Angela Davis with
Doterra Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for your Dogs

Essential oils and Animals!! Are they safe?

YES as long as you are using 100% oils! Doterra Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (www.CPTG) Essential oils represent the safest and most beneficial oils available in the world today!  DoTerra  CPTG essential oils are cross tested using Mass spectrometry and Gas chromatography to ensure both the extract purity and composition potency of each batch!
Do you hate giving your dog synthetic medications and products to treat various conditions?
  Why not use Doterra's Essential oils?  They WORK and are absolutely amazing for animal care?

Here’s one of our of 100’s of remedies that you can try.

Flea Repellent
MIST: In a 16 oz spray bottle, put 4-6 drops of Rosemary and 4-6 drops of Purify: fill the remainder of the bottle with distilled water. Lightly spray dog, avoiding the eyes. Reapply as needed for flea prevention.

There are important things to remember when you intend to use essential oils on your dog.

  • A dog’s sense of smell is extremely sensitive. Do not apply the oils directly on or around your dog’s nose or eyes. What smells good to you may be very irritating to your dog, especially if he cannot escape the smell. Try the bottoms of the paws (between the pads) or the ear flap or back of the neck.
  • Always dilute your oils and start with the SMALLEST dose possible until you know how your dog will react. Test the oil by holding the bottle out for him and watch his reaction. Let your dog decide if he wants the oil! My dog Willow runs to me when I use Balance and Frankincense and I always share with her.
  • Be cautious about using stimulant-type oils with your dog if she is pregnant, ill or epileptic. Research your oil for possible side effects before you use it.
  • The book, Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals, by Kristen Leigh Bell, has the 20 best and worst oils for dogs. A few examples include:
    • Best: Lavender, Geranium, Basil, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Eucalyptus and Frankincense.
    • Worst: Cassia, Oregano, Birch, Camphor and Wintergreen.

Ways to apply oils to home and pets:

  • Home-made flea collar. Add a couple of drops essential oil you want to use, and rub them into the collarYou may need to refresh the oil once a month or so.
  • A spray.   Sprays are particularly useful for getting the oil into flea-infested bedding, pet homes, or cages.   Mix ten to fifteen drops of each oil into a cups of water, and add a few drops of liquid soap to help them melt together Spritz onto whatever needs flea removal
  • Into a shampoo.  Add about three to five drops of each essential oil per quart of pet shampoo.
    Whichever method you choose, you   ll have the confidence of knowing your pet is protected by effective, natural methods that are harmless to you and smell wonderful.
  • Dog Soap Recipes. This site has several recipes for dog-cleaning soaps with essential oils to repel fleas and ticks.   

Feel free to follow monthly to find out other recipes for animal care with DoTerra Essential Oils or contact me to get oils to try today!!

Angela Davis

Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) Essential Oils
phone 1-819-647-5730


Photos from January & February


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If you would like to be notified when each month's Newsletter comes out, let me know by email. I will add you to my list

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Thank you for your time / Je vous remercie de votre temps ~~~~ Tante Lori .





(Since August 2013)

(Certified December 2017)
FIRST AID & CPR Certified

(Since November 2015)

Effective Since
September 2013

Website by Lori Roche ~~~ All Rights Reserved
Business Established 2013~ Copyright © 2013-2023 ~ Tante Lori Pet Services
Cell: 819-665-2549 - - Lori Roche

Gardiennage d'Animaux / Pet Sitting
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